KALA+ | Artist Led Workshops

April 4, 2024

In keeping with the platform’s intention to build collaborations with practitioners, representatives and institutions across the island and the South Asian region, KALĀ+ will feature talks, workshops and screenings both at the Lionel Wendt Art Centre and with leading representatives, institutions and individuals from the Sri Lankan art ecosystem. These events have been curated with focus on building the visibility of developments of the arts locally while also focused on accessibility for youth, students, enthusiasts and patrons. Our objective annually is to develop and grow via these collaborations extensively.

For the inaugural edition of KALĀ in association with the Lionel Wendt Art Centre, the KALĀ+ series hosted several artist-led workshops throughout the month of February.

Fabienne Francotte hosted Made by Hand, a workshop for children aged 8 to 14. This engaging session inspired young minds to explore the world of art through activities such as painting and clay moulding. In addition Fabienne hosted two guided painting session Imprint and Portrait that allowed participant to unleash their creative energies.

Firi Rahman led participant through a nature-drawing workshop at the Lionel Wendt Art Centre, encouraging participants to reconnect with the natural realm around them. The artist also introduced audiences to his digital practice, guiding particpants through the use of the Procreate app in creating digital art.

Mahen Perera shared with particpants his exploration and experimentation with materiality in Hide and Seek, a found materials workshop that encourages audiences to view discarded materials through the lens of possibility.

Floating Space Theatre Co. hosted ‘Other’ Histories: Memory, Objects and Play, a storytelling workshop that explores narratives drawn from personal archives in the making of performance. Using the frame of monologues and/ or collectively devised scenes, participants will create short performances derived from their personal archives.

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